There are different types of ferrets. Many of them are distinguished by not only the coloring of their fur but also their markings.
For instance, the “Siamese Ferret” (as might you may guess, if you’re at all familiar cat breeds) , possesses darker “points” on his face. His “mask” as it’s called resembles the letter “V”. There’s also a champagne version of the Siamese or point ferret. This type has no mask, but the nose that is a lighter color (often beige or pink) and usually has a “T” outline.
The solid ferret guard-hairs will usually be colored. They do have points, but you can’t really see them. A solid ferret should also have a full T-bar mask and a nose color that matches the color of his coat. The Standard Ferret is the most common type. The guard-hairs are about 90 percent the same color compared to his white guard-hairs. The body color is lighter than the points on the legs and tail, making it easier to see the points. The nose colors should be appropriate for their body colors and they will have full or T-bar masks.

Ferrets are most often grouped based on their coloring which can vary based on the color of the guard-hairs and undercoat.
Black ferrets have guard-hairs that are black, with an undercoat of white or golden tone. The eyes and nose are usually black or as close as possible to black. There is also a Black Sable ferret. The black sable may seem to be black, but is actually a deep dark brown. He has a cream colored or white undercoat, eyes that are extremely dark brown and a black nose. The Chocolate ferret is similar to the black sable. The undercoat will be golden or white. Most have brown eyes (a few may have dark burgundy eyes) and a light pink nose.
The Champagne ferret can vary from a light to medium tan and can also be as dark as a “diluted chocolate”. The undercoat is white to cream colored. The eyes can range in color from a light color to a dark burgundy. The nose is usually pink. The Cinnamon ferret has a coat is light reddish brown, the undercoat is either white or golden. The eyes are a light to medium burgundy and the nose is almost always pink.

The Albino ferret, just as with an albino in any other species, lacks any pigment in his skin or his eyes. This ferret can range from a creamy white to a snow-white color on the guard-hairs, as well as the undercoat. Every albino has light to medium pink eyes and has a pink nose. DEW — Dark-eyed white. This type of ferret resembles the albino. She has either a white or cream colored coat and a pink nose. Although this one has dark burgundy eyes. The DEW pattern features about 10 percent of the guard-hairs in the form of a stripe, with colored tail spots or sprinkled throughout the coat itself. One disadvantage is that this variety tends to be prone to deafness, this is a result of the Woardensburg Syndrome. This is the same syndrome which causes deafness in white long-haired cats with at least one blue eye.